Goals and Plans

This blog is to track my progress through my music studies. I have already completed an undergraduate degree in General Studies. I will be returning to school to complete a second undergraduate degree & eventually graduate work to be able to teach at the college level.

I've registered at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette as a Music Theory/Composition major. My goal is to complete my bachelors of music theory/composition & progress to masters and doctorate work. As of now I'd like to do my graduate work at the University of North Texas; they offer a masters and doctorate of music composition that I want to pursue. During the summers as I complete my undergraduate work, I'd like to study at the Acadiana Conservatory of Music here in Lafayette. This would allow me to get different perspectives on technique, theory, style, and teaching method. The summer after my undergrad work is done, I'd like to attend one of the summer programs offered by the NCVS (National Center for Voice and Speach); they offer a different approach to looking at the voice that I think would add value to my studies and make me stand out in graduate studies and as a future teacher.

I have a long way to go before I can accomplish all of this. There are many other things that I want to incorporate into my studies as well. I'm in a good position already having a bachelor's degree; I hopefully won't have to worry about anything other than coursework that is relevant to music. This should allow me to broaden my focus from the theory/composition work to include my primary instrument - the piano - as well as two secondary instruments - the guitar and the voice.

As I accomplish this I hope to use this space to organize my thoughts and convey them to an audience. I'm hoping to use this blog to teach myself how to teach other people - at least in written form. I'd value any comments that anyone reading this could give me & thank anyone that takes the time to read my blog; hopefully you'll find something interesting here that will help you in your own studies of music.