Spring & Summer Lessons

I went to the Conservatory of Music and signed up for summer and spring lessons. I signed up for lessons for the remainder of the spring - two one hour lessons - and the summer as well - eight weeks of 30 min. lessons. I'll be able to get a good idea about where I stand after years of not being active on the piano in the first lessons; the summer should be plenty of time to prepare for the audition.

I'll have access to a piano at the conservatory which will make it easier on me while I'm trying to figure out where to get a keyboard and which one to get. The requirements I was told for the jazz audition were to be able to read chord symbols and improvise over two tones. I assume that the reading chord symbols will be fairly easy and that I'll probably be doing most of that work on my own outside of the lessons. I went to Barnes & Noble today and purchased Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter which was the recommended text to prepare for the written theory exam. Hopefully this will be good enough to get me ready to read chord symbols as well. As for the improv - I assume that this is mostly what I will be working on with my teacher.